Follow Rishan as she travels the world training and competing to be the best she can be.
Her goal is to be the first woman to represent Samoa in flat water sprint kayaking at the Olympic Games.
After competing at her first world championships in Poznan 2010 she has her sights set on qualifying for London 2012.

Training in Auckland.

Sunset at Highbrook

It's really dark now at 6.30am when I start my morning training sessions and it's not until 6.45am that it's easier to see.
The weather in Auckland has only dished out a few crappy days, one was this afternoon, so a change of training plans for a session on the water was canned and it was taken inside.  Otherwise in the last two weeks there was two days where the weather had me training on the ergo.
If I don't have any homework after my afternoon sessions I'm in bed by 8pm.  One evening even saw me in bed as early as 7pm.  It's not too hard to get out of bed when you get enough sleep.
Very slowly I'm getting over the 'flu.  I generously gave the 'flu to my dad who passed it on to my mum who gave it back to me.  I think this week the cycle has been broken 'cos we've all stopped coughing.

Recently I changed my paddle.  I was using Brasca IV and I'm now using a Braca X (min).  Mmmmmmm I prefer the X.
Training is going well.

There's another three weeks left before I'll be in Italy training in the sun.  I'm looking forward to that for sure.